Beneficiary Designations: They Aren’t Always What They Seem
by Jody H. Hall, Paralegal
As long as I have been a probate paralegal, and even prior when I worked in financial services, I have spoken about assets with beneficiary designations, including life insurance, retirement accounts and annuities passing outside of probate as if they were a foregone conclusion. Period. End of Story. However, some recent situations have reminded me that the plot of the story may indeed have a surprise ending.
First of all, it bears reminding to our clients, that documents with beneficiary designations do not pass in accordance with the general instructions in the Decedent’s Will. I recently worked with a client that became concerned when we learned that an estranged family member received a portion of an IRA account due to the beneficiary designation. It was very confusing and upsetting to her that this family member received assets in addition to those provided for in the Will.
Secondly, there are situations where the beneficiary designation needs to be reviewed and confirmed, both at the time the designation is made and at the time of the claim. Read more