Estate Planners Alert: Are Your Clauses Coordinated? Are Your Terms Clearly Defined?
by Carol Warnick
What is the definition of the "residuary" of a trust or a will? Is it clearly defined in all of our documents or do we assume that it will be easy to figure out? Or do we even think about it since we clearly know what the residuary is? I have seen several instances lately where the actual residuary was not well-defined in the document and thus became the subject of very expensive litigation.
It is not just a matter of who gets what assets, but since taxes and administrative costs often come out of the residuary, it is important to make sure it is clear what that means. In one instance I have seen, it was clearly defined where taxes were to be paid from, but very unclear as far as administrative expenses are concerned. In some estates or trusts, that might not be such a big deal because the costs may be fairly nominal. However, there may be unexpected circumstances. (What percentage of our trusts/estates actually don't have something expected arise?) What happens if the trust or estate, through no fault of its own, becomes embroiled in litigation between the beneficiaries or if the fiduciary has to defend the document against an undue influence claim? The allocation of administrative expenses in that situation can create additional litigation even after the first lawsuit has been resolved.
Remember that the attorneys chosen by a beneficiary to litigate such an issue very often are not lawyers with a background in trusts and estates. As such, they are not familiar with what many of us consider the "common sense" assumptions we make with trust and estate administration. General trust and estate concepts that we work with every day will not be recognized by attorneys outside of this practice area. When other attorneys in a litigation case ask me for authority for such concepts, the actual authority is often hard to come up with. "Because we all know that is the way it is," is not a helpful comeback. In addition, how many of our state court judges actually have a trust and estate background?
It may make sense to have someone else in your office read through the will or trust (perhaps with a prepared checklist) to look for problems like this that may arise. Often, when drafting, we become so engrossed in the document and adding in all of the "special things" that our clients request in their documents, that we don't see it when provisions don't track in the document. Often we have added in other language, and possibly deleted a sentence or two here and there, and unwittingly created another problem that we don't see because we are too close to the document. Such a problem may not only relate to defining the residuary for the purpose of tax and cost apportionment clauses, but could also easily create issues with tax clauses, conflicting powers given to the fiduciary, unintended consequences related to trustee removal and replacement, or other types of problems. Another option would be to let the document sit for a day or two and then reread it. This has to be done with a critical eye, however. It is still easy for the drafting attorney to not look critically at how the provisions might be interpreted or to think about what unintended circumstances might occur. As drafters, we know the family (or so we think) and we just tend to look to see how the document will play out in the circumstances we expect to occur.
The more trust and estate litigation I do, the more critical I become about the documents that I draft. If there is a way for a clause to be interpreted differently by a beneficiary who has a beef with the way the assets are being divided, you can bet it will be read that other way and will provide fodder for a lawsuit. It behooves all of us who draft to look for clauses in our documents that might be unclear or might be the subject of multiple interpretations. In doing so, there will be less work for those of us who litigate these cases, but we will all have happier clients years down the road.